5 Wellness Habits You Need To Adopt

You are probably wondering why I am writing about adopting new wellness habits when it’s nearly the end of February. To be honest, there is no right time or wrong time to start creating habits. I find myself revisiting my intentions at the end of each month. It’s a good time to check in with yourself. An opportunity to decide what needs to be improved and what you are doing well.

With a new month approaching, it seems like a great time to prioritise your health. In fact, you should always be prioritising your health! Wellness habits and healthy habits are always trending no matter. When I first I heard the word ‘wellness’, I thought it was just an extension of my physical health. I realised that wellness is the integration of my entire lifestyle. If you would like to know more about the different wellness routines that I’m working on, you can check out this board on my Pinterest.

After I got swept up into all things wellness, I built some great habits that improved my health. I learnt how to I express myself through daily habits and improved my overall well-being. So if you are ready to adopt some new wellness habits this year, you need to get out of your way. Become the person you want to be by choosing to be better. Make sure that you bookmark and save this post when you’re ready to indulge in some wellness fun!

Discover a new activity that keeps you relaxed and de-stressed. A DIY Sip & Paint Nights is another kind of wellness habits that taps into your creativity
DIY Sip & Paint Night

What Is Wellness?

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to aim for better physical and mental health. Wellness is about living and thriving in your life, and not just surviving. After the couple of years that we have had, working on thriving is something that we all need. Wellness is you. You are wellness. Everything that you do and feel relates to your well-being. In the same breathe, your well-being affects your actions and emotions. Whenever you are going through a tough time, make sure that you are doing something that makes you happy, fulfilled and getting the most out of life.

5 Wellness Habits You Need To Adopt

  • Get outside: Spend some time getting some fresh air and some Vitamin D (from the sunset) as you walk and clear your mind. Although you may have the windows open at home, nothing beats doing some activity outside.
  • Keep tech outside the bedroom: Set some ground rules about using technology in bed. Get some quality hours of sleep without having your phone besides you. I find that if I bring my phone to bed, I’m more exhausted in the mornings and less productive the following day.
  • Explore: Interact with the world around you. Most of us don’t really explore the cities and towns that we live in. Become an accidental tourist and discover new things that you like. Boost your intellectual curiosity with a book, a documentary and travel to a new area.
  • Skincare: Spend time building your skincare routine. Your skin is the largest organ in the body and it glows when we take care of it inside and outside. It will help you be mindful and de-stress. I see it as an activity that nurtures the body, mind and soul.
  • Nutrition: Nurture your body with wholesome and healthy foods. What you feed your body impacts how you feel and perform daily. Eat foods that make you feel good inside and outside, and keeps your heart healthy.

Other Wellness Habits

There are so many other wellness habits that you can adopt but I recommend starting with these five as the others build on top of their foundation. You can consistently build upon these over the course of your life and I think that’s the beauty in it. Each day is an opportunity to be 1% better in all areas in your life so that you can live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.

I follow the mantra called the “80/20 rule” and it is something that I started with my fitness and health journey that I apply in all areas of my life. It simply means that you should aim to do everything 80% good and 20% not so good. At the end of the day, we are human and perfection does not exist. Instead of aiming for 100% good and suffering burnout, which is the complete opposite of wellness, you should aim for the 80/20 split.

So there you have it, 5 wellness habits that you should adopt. Just think about how much better your life will be by adding these habits. It’s all about finding what areas you need to improve in and working on making them into strengths and creating a routine that will benefit you in the future. Leave any questions that you may have in the comments below and I’ll be sure to answer them. In the meantime, thank you so much for your support!

Until next time,


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