It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Holiday parties are happening left, right and center, huge celebrations with friends and family will be occurring in number.
You might be getting ready for a Christmas holiday or getting ready to welcome in the New Year. Or maybe you’re apprehensive about the festive season. You’re feeling stressed about finding a balance with enjoying the season and eating all the foods.
The festive season can already be tough on some people. Don’t make it miserable by thinking that you might be destroying your progress by indulging in all the desserts and your favourite foods. As you enter this festive season, mind your mindset. Take time for yourself in all the festive chaos to take care of your mental health. Most of all, make this time of year feel more like a miracle than a nightmare. Here are my tips to help you tackle any issues that you may be facing this festive season. So you can feel happy, healthy and refreshed for the new year.
Tip 1: Let Go Of Perfection
Perfection is the enemy of progress.
This is one of the toughest things for most people especially when it comes to health and fitness. The festive season only comes once a year and it is meant to be enjoyed.
I regret the years where I was too focused on eating healthy because I lost out on moments that I can never get back. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I did. Don’t beat yourself up for indulging in your favourite foods and desserts. Acknowledge that it is going to happen, get rid of the guilt and enjoy the season. This period of festivities and enjoyment is not going ruin your progress or journey. It may be a little bit harder to get back to where you were but you will get there. We are all human and we are not perfect. Don’t give up but stay committed to yourself while you enjoy this holiday season.

Tip 2: Be Present In The Moment
Focus on what you have within.
Nothing else will bring you joy more like being present in the moment. If you find it tough to stop looking at what others have and comparing it to what you think you ‘lack’, take some time to note three things that you have achieved this year. They don’t have to be big things, they can be small such as ‘I’m happy that I’ve smiled more this year’ or ‘I’m happy that I’m more confident or healthier this year’.
Being present in the moment and not worrying about the past or the future helps you to pay attention to what is happening right now. It’s means to enjoy today and soak up all the moments that come with it. This festive season, be present in the day. Enjoy the festivities, the lights, the people, the sounds, the gifts and the small moments that you will always cherish. This season doesn’t have to be a nightmare, it can be miracle if you focus on the joys of the day.
Tip 3: Laugh, Sing & Be Merry
Smile for your health and your happiness.
Cultivating a lifestyle of fun is so important, especially as an adult. We need to fight more to maintain this childlike wonder to keep our world exciting and fresh. The best way that I have discovered this is by romanticising my life and taking care of myself at the same time.
Don’t be afraid to say no when you need to focus and re-adjust your mindset. When I say re-adjusting your mindset, it can be something simple like cooking a meal for yourself, drinking your favourite wine, watching your favourite movie or simply doing something that helps you unwind and let loose for the holiday season. You need to romanticise your life. You need to believe that everything that you do is exciting and fun. That’s when you start truly living and look forward to each day. Make sure you laugh, smile, sing and just be happy that you are living your life as you enjoy this festive season. Your thoughts shape your reality so make sure that your reality is to live the width of your life and pursue that relentlessly.

Tip 4: Give Thanks & Be Grateful
Cherish what you already have.
I’m all about spending the first few moments of my day giving thanks and noting down what I am grateful for in my life. I think it’s such an important part of anyone’s health journey to do the same. This ties in beautifully with Tip 2: Be Present In The Moment. You need to be cherish what you already have in order to build a mindset of abundance and drop the negativity.
There are plenty of good things in your life and you just need to be more intentional about looking for them. I know that from experience, as the eldest child out of four children, that your siblings or your cousins may know what buttons to push but that is one of the things that you can be grateful for. There are so many people that don’t have great memories with their family and wish they had. Be grateful that you have them and/or you have people in your life that bring positivity and encouragement. Be intentional about the people you see over the holidays. No one gets to experience both life and love from your perspective. Cherish that as it is uniquely for you.

Tip 5: Take Time To Reflect
Review what you want to keep.
As the festive season enters quickly, it can also leave quickly. The end of year brings a time of reflection. That week between Christmas and New Year’s is forever awkward because nothing is really happening and no one knows what to do. Switch off from the world and all its distractions, and spend the time reviewing this past year.
What did you learn about yourself? Did you like what you did this year or what didn’t you like? What lessons did you learn this year? What do you want to leave behind and what do you want to bring into the New Year? Take time to review this past year and focus on the things that matter to you. Learn to switch off. Learn to not tie your self-worth to your to-do list. Reflect and enter the New Year with a fresh and healthy mindset.
Although the festive season has already started, I hope that these tips are helpful to you as we get deeper into the season. Remember to mind your mindset when it comes to all aspects of your health: mental, physical, social and relational, emotional, existential and psychological. It is the most wonderful time of the year to embrace the festivities but also to take care of yourself. I wish you all an amazing festive season and I really hope that you cultivate a lifestyle of fun by romanticising all the moments.
Until next time,
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